Artisan Soap Collection - Cinnamon & Vanilla

Small batches of speciality soap
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A delicious combination of scents that's warming and comforting, a little spicy too. I don't quite know how it happened, but the combination of these two essential oils comes out smelling like a spicy marzipan to me, it just does. In a gently foaming base of coconut rapeseed ane castor this bubbly bar is a real warming treat. And if past experience is anything to go by, they won't be here for long, so if this is your bag, bag it now.
Ingredients in descending order of proportion. Click an ingredient to find out more.
Product Testimonials Artisan Soap Collection - Cinnamon & Vanilla
Received thus morning, so I thought I would use it in the shower what a lovely smelling soap and makes my skin feel so soft thank you
Sandra Humphreys
So pleased you like it - it's become one of my favourites too, we might have to bring this one into the range (if only so I have enough all year round!). - The Pure Nuff Stuff Team
Absolutely delicious fragrance! (Have been wanting a soap with Vanilla at PNS!). Presentation box looks really lovely on glass bathroom shelf, and has a small gap that lets the fragrance out. (Would buy even without the nice box though). I hope this becomes a staple at PNS. Thank you.
Caroline Beevis
Aw thanks Caroline! Got to be honest, I love this one too, so you never know, it might well happen! - The Pure Nuff Stuff Team