Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil
Multi-purpose Product!

Solid oil for moisturising.

Coconut Oil


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  • Description

    A white, unfragranced, solid oil with a low melting point, coconut oil is pressed from the milled kernels of coconuts and has superb moisturising and protective properties. Containing the nourishing oleic, linoleic and linolenic essential fatty acids, it's wonderful for reconditioning dry skin, helping to retain your skin's natural moisture balance. We use it in our intensive moisturising products because of its gentle but very effective skin-softening action.

    This is included in the Sensitive Skincare collection as it's the purest form of skincare available. It's the real deal (it's what we use to make our own products), so get creative with it - and let us know how you get on!


    (Shipping weight 230g)

  • Ingredients

    Ingredients in descending order of proportion. Click an ingredient to find out more.

    • Coconut Oil (Cocos Nucifera)

      Coconut Oil (Cocos Nucifera)

      A white, solid oil with a low melting point, Coconut oil is pressed from the milled kernels of coconuts and has superb moisturising and protective properties. 

      Read more »

Product Testimonials Coconut Oil

There is a difference between this coconut oil and the ones in chain stores!

Claire Emery

There really is isn't there? Glad you noticed Claire and thanks for taking the time to let us know. - The Pure Nuff Stuff Team

good natural moisturiser for mature skin, soaks in beautifully, tried shea butter for a change but didn't get on with it.

julie roach

Hi, I love this product, I use it after shaving my face, on my hands, even on my scalp when I got aggressive psoriasis (it helps skin heal and makes scales go away, if combined with a tar based shampoo). Cheeky question, is it possible to use this oil also for cooking?


Ha ha thanks Federico, we're glad you like it! And no, I wouldn't use it for cooking. It's a more expensive grade of oil and it's got Vitamin E oil added to it - the stuff you get in supermarkets is a lot cheaper to cook with! - The Pure Nuff Stuff Team

I use your coconut oil on my hair, before I go swimming. Helps to protect it against the chemicals in the swimming baths, and doesn't rinse off as a hair conditioner does. Quickly melts in my hands, and then easy to apply.

Steff Moulton

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