Squeaky Clean Bath & Shower Gel - Unscented

Sulphate free, unscented body wash gel.
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Natural skin care starts when you wash yourself. This SLS- and paraben-free Bath & Shower Gel will cleanse you effectively and contains no harsh detergents that strip your skin.
Because we don't use SLS, the most common foaming agent in the skin care industry, our gels don't behave in exactly the same way as most commercially available shower gels – and that's a good thing. We've all been trained over the years to equate bubbles with cleanliness but, to be perfectly honest, that's just an illusion. Our gels do bubble, but not in the effusive way you might have been used to (and remember, all those bubbles go down the drain and potentially effect our water table). However, our gels do get you perfectly clean. And you'll notice how much less dry your skin feels after a shower or bath, meaning you don't have to use as much moisturiser. So it's all good. Do remember that because this product is fresh, it needs to be shaken every time you use it.
250ml & 500ml
(Shipping weight 290g & 550g)
Ingredients in descending order of proportion. Click an ingredient to find out more.
Product Testimonials Squeaky Clean Bath & Shower Gel - Unscented
Nice uncomplicated body wash which deals with under arm pong and shaving, and no irritation to the lady parts - very important! I also found it gentle enough to use on my face which has very complicated skin. Two for one yay!
Works wonders for my very dry and sensitive skin, absolutely love this product!