Lavender Mont Blanc essential oil

Medicinal, herby oil we all know and love.
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An old favourite and with VERY good reason. If you only buy one oil, make it lavender. Not only does it smell wonderful but it's so very versatile. I could write a book about this oil but, very briefly...
Do you fancy a good night's sleep? Put a drop on your pillow. Also very effective in a child's bedtime bath. The calming aroma will soothe even the most fractious infant.
Got an insect bite? A drop applied directly to the bite will soothe, take away the itch and heal the swelling.
Burnt yourself on the cooker? Get it straight under cold water and apply neat oil directly to the affected area and feel that healing start. It's startlingly effective at this.
Got a small cut? Clean with water and apply a drop of neat oil to the wound. The antiseptic properties of the lavender will disinfect as well as heal. Great for scraped knees, for example.
As a safe guide, use no more than eight drops in a bath for a skin-nourishing soak, two or three drops in a foot spa (or a washing up bowl for the old fashioned among us...) and no more than four drops per 100ml of base or carrier oil.
10ml (from France, high altitude)
(Shipping weight 50g)
Ingredients in descending order of proportion. Click an ingredient to find out more.