Cookie Preferences

This site uses cookies to delivery necessary website functions such as remembering your shopping cart, allowing you to checkout or log-in, and prevent hacking; to analyse traffic to our site or to allow us to share some kinds of third-party content with you.

You can learn more about the kind of cookies used here: Privacy & Cookie Policy.

Your current settings for this site are as follows:

  • Necessary Cookies: Accepting 1
  • Analytics Cookies: Accepting 2
  • Third party & Marketing Cookies: Not accepting 3

1. Necessary cookies are non-optional and we do not need your permission to set these. If you do not wish to accept these cookies you must leave the site.

2. Not accepting analytics cookies will not affect your experience of our site but prevents us from understanding how the site is being used and thus from making improvements to offer a better user experience. Our analytics tracking is anonymous.

3. Marketing type cookies will generally be from our third party partners - typically as a result of hosted third party content such as videos and social media. Without them certain features such as embedded videos may not work.

You can update your preferences by checking/unchecking the boxes below and clicking 'Save'. We will set a cookie on your device to remember your preferences. We will ask you to check your preferences again in 12 months time but you can of course return to this page at any time to update your preferences.