Rhassoul Mud Treatment

Versatile mud packed with minerals.
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Here in the shop we call this WonderMud. Rhassoul (sometimes called Ghassoul) has been used for thousands of years for softening and soothing, and is the mud that's used in those very expensive spa body wraps. It's incredibly versatile and leaves your skin looking and feeling fantastic. You can use it as a face pack, as a marvellous bath soak and, most spectacularly, to wash hair with (be warned, don't use this product on your hair unless you're prepared for volume and bounce of epic proportions).
Rhassoul behaves in a unique way when it comes into contact with water. It forms a gel-like consistency, and it cleans skin gently without affecting the natural balance of oils at the surface. This makes it perfect for those with very sensitive skin but, especially, those that suffer with psoriasis. It's not just a beauty treatment, it has soothing properties that make it perfect to calm itching and help to very gently soften the plaquing that occurs in a bad attack of psoriasis. Basically, we can't rave enough about it.
Full instructions for use are included but, to give you an idea, one pot should make roughly ten face masks, at least five hair washes or three really good bath soaks. To make it really special, add a drop of your favourite essential oil - rose, for example, would be great in a face mask.This bottle would make a wonderful gift, that's 250g of wondermud - and don't forget your refill packs!
Shipping weight of bottle: 408g
Shipping weight of refill pack: 260g
Ingredients in descending order of proportion. Click an ingredient to find out more.