Keep Balm and Carry On

Versatile healing skin balm.
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With a powerful blend of four of the hardest-working base oils, top quality Cornish beeswax and some of Nature's most healing essential oils, this product will help you do just what it says on the tin: carry on.
Our soothing and calming balm was created to be the one thing you can carry around that will do everything – moisturise lips, protect hands from windburn, soothe cracked heels, soften up that weird patch of dry skin on your cheek that won't shift... the lot. We know it's a big claim, but this little pot has been tested to destruction and been found useful for everything from healing plaster-dried cuticles on builders to soothing itchy skin on toddlers.
So wherever you've got skin and it's sore, this is your tin.30ml aluminium tin
(Shipping weight 40g)
Ingredients in descending order of proportion. Click an ingredient to find out more.
Product Testimonials Keep Balm and Carry On
Best lip balm that I have ever used
Short, sweet and to the point, thanks for the review Judyth! - The Pure Nuff Stuff Team
This stuff is completely awesome, I use it when expeditioning - with dry, cold air at high altitude it stops my face and hands from cracking. Also does a good job at lubricating bicycle pumps when caught out without anything else suitably slippery..