Artisan Soap Collection - Cinnamon & Vanilla

Artisan Soap Collection - Cinnamon & Vanilla

Small batches of speciality soap

Artisan Soap Collection - Cinnamon & Vanilla


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  • Description

    A delicious combination of scents that's warming and comforting, a little spicy too. I don't quite know how it happened, but the combination of these two essential oils comes out smelling like a spicy marzipan to me, it just does. In a gently foaming base of coconut rapeseed ane castor this bubbly bar is a real warming treat. And if past experience is anything to go by, they won't be here for long, so if this is your bag, bag it now. 


  • Ingredients

    Ingredients in descending order of proportion. Click an ingredient to find out more.

Product Testimonials Artisan Soap Collection - Cinnamon & Vanilla

Absolutely delicious fragrance! (Have been wanting a soap with Vanilla at PNS!). Presentation box looks really lovely on glass bathroom shelf, and has a small gap that lets the fragrance out. (Would buy even without the nice box though). I hope this becomes a staple at PNS. Thank you.

Caroline Beevis

Aw thanks Caroline! Got to be honest, I love this one too, so you never know, it might well happen! - The Pure Nuff Stuff Team

Received thus morning, so I thought I would use it in the shower what a lovely smelling soap and makes my skin feel so soft thank you

Sandra Humphreys

So pleased you like it - it's become one of my favourites too, we might have to bring this one into the range (if only so I have enough all year round!). - The Pure Nuff Stuff Team

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